Natanael Alpay, Tiju Cherian John, Thermal states on Mittag-Leffler Fock space of the slitted plane, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 547, Issue 1, 2025, 129314, ISSN 0022-247X, ArXiv: arXiv:2306.14044
John, T. C., Kumar, V. B. K. and Tonny, A. An Order Relation between Eigenvalues and Symplectic Eigenvalues of Some Infinite Dimensional Operators, accepted for publication at Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations DOI: arXiv:2212.03900
Androulakis, G. and John, T. C. Petz-Rényi Relative Entropy of Thermal States and their Displacements Letters in Mathematical Physics, Volume 114, article number 57, (2024), ArXiv:
Androulakis, G. and John, T. C. Relative Entropy via Distribution of Observables, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, Volume No. 27, Issue No. 02, Article No. 2350021, Year 2024, DOI: ArXiv:
Androulakis, G. and John, T. C., Quantum f-divergences via Nussbaum-Szkoła Distributions and Applications to f-divergence Inequalities, accepted for publication Reviews in Mathematical Physics, June 19, 2023, DOI: ArXiv:
There are two blog Posts on this research, they can be read here and here. (Thanks to George!)
John, T. C. and Parthasarathy, K. R. A Common Parametrization for Finite Mode Gaussian States, their Symmetries and associated Contractions with some Applications, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol 62, 022102 (2021), DOI: ; arXiv e-prints 1911.06555
Bhat, B. V. R., and John, T. C. Real Normal Operators and Williamson's Normal Form, Acta Sci Math (Szeged), Volume 85, Numbers 3-4, 2019 DOI: 10.14232/actasm-018-570-5 ; arXiv e-prints 1804.03921
Bhat, B. V. R, John, T. C. and Srinivasan, R. Infinite mode Quantum Gaussian States, Reviews in Mathematical Physics, Vol 31, 2019, DOI: 10.1142/S0129055X19500302 ;arXiv e-prints 1804.05049
Guha, S., John, T. C. and Basu, P. Quantum-enhanced quickest change detection of transmission loss, Submitted.
John, T. C., Mishra, H., and Guha, S. A Complete Characterization of Passive Unitary Normalizable (PUN) Gaussian States, Submitted.
Devendra, R., John, T. C., and Sumesh, K., What is a Gaussian channel, and when is it physically implementable using a multiport interferometer?, Submitted.
PhD Thesis
Infinite mode quantum Gaussian states (Pro Quest link is here, if the link to Indian Statistical Institute is not working)