About me
Publish sensibly, discover constantly, travel extensively, talk widely, teach passionately-John Ewing
I am a mathematician currently working as a Research Scientist Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Arizona. I am a Fulbright alumnus and also serve as an editor for the journal, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory. My primary area of expertise centers around mathematics of quantum theory, with a specific focus on challenges stemming from quantum information theory and my research pursuits span the interdisciplinary landscape of quantum information theory, quantum probability, and operator theory. Within the academic realm, I am actively engaged in teaching an advanced course on optical sciences, and also work as the Technical Lead for the engineering workforce development activities at the NSF Engineering Research Center, Center for Quantum Networks.
Curriculum Vitae
My CV can be found here.
Research Scientist, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Arizona (2025-present).
Research Scientist, Wyant College of Optical Sciences, The University of Arizona (2023-2024).
Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina (2021-2023).
Postdoctoral Fellow, Statistics and Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, India (2019-2021).
Editorial Duties
Editorial board member for Complex Analysis and Operator Theory.
Reviewer for AMS Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet.
Grants, Awards and Honors
Ramanujan Fellowship (2023), SERB, Government of India (This is one of the most prestigious fellowships given by Government of India, totalling approximately 12 million Indian Rupees over a span of five years. Declined).
Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Fellowship (2020).
Several Travel/Conference related grants from agencies like National Science Foundation (United States), American Physical Society, National Board of Higher Mathematics (India), Indian Statistical Institute.
Postdoctoral Fellowship (2019), Indian Statistical Institute (ISI).
Senior Research Fellow (2014), Indian Statistical Institute (ISI).
Junior Research Fellow (2012), both Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), and University Grants Commission (UGC), Government of India (Declined the UGC award in favor of the award from ISI).
Junior Scholar (2009), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship (2008), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
Research Interests
Continuous Variable Quantum Information Theory
Quantum Gaussian States
Quantum Shannon Theory
Quantum Probability
Operator Theory/Algebras
PhD in Mathematics (2019), Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, Thesis: Infinite Mode Quantum Gaussian States, Supervisor: B. V. Rajarama Bhat
MSc in Mathematics (2012), Tata Insitute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India
BSc in Mathematics (2009), Mahatma Gandhi University
Room 420
Grand Challenges Research Building
University of Arizona
University profile page: https://optics.arizona.edu/person/tijucherianjohn
tijucherian "at"fulbrightmail "dot" org, tiju "at"arizona "dot" edu
Web of Science Researcher id: LSI-8210-2024